Training workshop on project management for a group of local organizations in Basra

The Civil Society Services Center in Basra organized a specialized training workshop titled “Project Management,” targeting a group of local organizations in Basra Governorate. 

The workshop aimed to enhance the capacities of local organizations in planning and implementing projects professionally and sustainably, contributing to improved services for the local community.

The workshop covered several key topics, including:  Principles and Fundamentals of Project Management: Providing comprehensive concepts about the project life cycle and strategic planning tools, Planning and Scheduling: How to design an effective action plan and prepare timelines to ensure adherence to deadlines, Resource and Risk Management: Training participants on optimal resource allocation and addressing potential challenges and risks, Evaluation and Monitoring: Emphasizing the importance of evaluating project performance and analyzing outcomes to achieve continuous improvement. 

The #UPP works with Al Mesalla to empower local CSOs in Iraq through TATWEER project funded by the European Union and in partnership with local NGOs (Alnajah Center for Training&Development in Basra and Shakoufyan Organization in Anbar).

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