When human rights systems are weakened, violations begin to spread, causing rampant chaos in all societies suffering from the lack of human rights organization, which is considered the most important source of human dignity.

The Civil Society Services Center in Anbar organized a roundtable discussion with a group of civil society organizations on “The situation of human rights in Anbar province after the return and the role of civil society in promoting them.” The discussions included violations, how to stop and reduce them, as well as how to promote human rights in Anbar province and raise awareness among communities about the importance of human rights, which are a fundamental pillar in the stability process.

The #UPP works with Al Mesalla to empower local CSOs in Iraq through TATWEER project funded by the European Union and in partnership with local NGOs (Alnajah Center for Training&Development in Basra and Shakoufyan Organization in Anbar).